When explaining concepts in an infographic we will need sometimes for sure to express the idea of location. So using a map is the most popular way to do it.
- This two example explain the same concept. Leaving the common types of graphs and the organized structure, both map's representation consists in highlighting with colour the countries we have information about and leaving the rest with a neutral color as grey in order to be unnoticed.
The difference between one and the other is the homogeneous colour in the one about "Money from the Crowd" and the gradient of the "European Union Labour" one.
Which do you think suits the best?
B- Ariadna Canamera's graphic- Here is her blog, have a look it's really good: http://cinemagraphic.blogspot.com.es/
- But colour in maps is not always the perfect tool. This infographic, in my opinion, is really complex to understand, there are too much colours so ended in a chaos. There is too much information for a map like this.
So always you use a map be careful !