lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Coloured maps as a tool

When explaining concepts in an infographic we will need sometimes for sure to express the idea of location. So using a map is the most popular way to do it. 

- This two example explain the same concept. Leaving the common types of graphs and the  organized structure, both  map's representation consists in highlighting with colour the countries we have information about and leaving the rest with a neutral color as grey in order to be unnoticed.

The difference between one and the other is the homogeneous colour in the one about "Money from the Crowd" and the gradient of the "European Union Labour" one. 

Which do you think suits the best?



A-  See it here:
B-  Ariadna Canamera's graphic- Here is her blog, have a look it's really good:

- But colour in maps is not always the perfect tool. This infographic, in my opinion, is really complex to understand, there are too much colours so ended in a chaos. There is too much information for a map like this.

So always you use a map be careful !

domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Playing with planets

There are lots of infographics that have Universe as topic, so I'm going to take a glance to the different representations. 

- In this infographic, planets are represented by silohuettes of the same colour, that contrast pretty good with the dark tonality of the background. So in this case, we can talk about an easily understandable graphic. So I like it because of that simplicity that makes information clear.
Look it from its original page:

- The next example is not about the whole solar system, it only talks about Jupiter. But I put it as example because it's well explained. In this case it uses the planet form to represent the different information and uses arrows and effects that give dynamism to the infographic.

- Well, as usual I'm going to show my own infographic, take under consideration that I'm just starting in this world so do not be too hard with it jajaj

sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

Graphics through reality

A difficult but amazing way of representing data is using real things and transform them in graphics here there's a funny example of it. 

It is a funny graphic. It is not a complex one, and the fact of having a blank background makes the viewer look at the important point, the information. The colors used to categorize are correctly chosen because are very different. The only important obstacle is that it is weak in the sense of information because is really light.
But the visualization of the information is brilliant, I love it !

You can find it in:

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Funny ways of representing "Chronological Events"

If you want to represent facts that happened one after the other grfically, you may use a time line or something like this to do it. But look some funny ways of representing this line:

- This infographic is very visual, so is easy to understand because uses colors to differenciate categories and a track that makes me think about "Guitar Hero" game. So in my opinion is attractive and easy to assimilate.


- A common way of representing time is through the representation of a road or a path. Below you can see a pair of graphics, the first one like a colorful warm and the second one faithful to the image of a road.

Road to retirement:
Sillicon Valley:

- And to close this post I add my infographic about a Robbery in  Boston.

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Basic graphics developed

If you ask somebody about a type of graphic, he probably answer: a Bar chart.
But this basic graphic can be developed using creativity and get diferent effects. Let's see some examples:

1. I'm going to use two of my infgraphics to show the usual representation of bar charts. The first is about aircraches and the second graphic  is  about the division of employment in EU by sectors.

2. Using this type of bar chart I want to think about the different shapes we can use to be bars, because it's not necessary to use rectangles as bars. This is a simple example to support my advice of trying new forms and shapes. In this case triangles are used as bars.

3. In the next infograhic we cas see that the bar chart is horitzontal. It is represented in a figurative and metaphorical way, explaining an economic topic through a race, a smart and funny way of doing it.
So when creating graphics, we have to be creative in order to get the attention of the viewers.

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013


Hi !
Before posting diferent kinds of infographics, I'm going to present myself. And the best way of doing it is showing my curriculum so you can know me a little. I hope you like it :)

Now that you know about me, I'm going to explain the objectives of my blog.

  • Talk about the different formats of graphics that people use
  • Give examples
  • Show my own infographics
  • Learn for your comments and your opinions
Now yes, welcome to my blog !!