If you ask somebody about a type of graphic, he probably answer: a Bar chart.
But this basic graphic can be developed using creativity and get diferent effects. Let's see some examples:
1. I'm going to use two of my infgraphics to show the usual representation of bar charts. The first is about aircraches and the second graphic is about the division of employment in EU by sectors.
2. Using this type of bar chart I want to think about the different shapes we can use to be bars, because it's not necessary to use rectangles as bars. This is a simple example to support my advice of trying new forms and shapes. In this case triangles are used as bars.
3. In the next infograhic we cas see that the bar chart is horitzontal. It is represented in a figurative and metaphorical way, explaining an economic topic through a race, a smart and funny way of doing it.
So when creating graphics, we have to be creative in order to get the attention of the viewers.
I find it in this interesting webpage :http://designshack.net/articles/graphics/10-tips-for-designing-better-infographics/
I like a lot the first bar chard graphic of the aircrashes! Its simple but uselful and the viewer can take the information very fast! I prefer this type to oters, it is more graphic in all the senses hahahahhahahha